“Small children finish anything set for them to do alone very quickly as a rule, and I find it a great help if they can have some easy handicraft to be picked up in spare moments” (Parents’ Review, “Notes and Queries”, Vol. 44, p. 480).Handicrafts & Life Skills - (Simply Charlotte Mason):
*Many of these I have added myself*
- Beading
- Calligraphy
- Carving
- Ceramics
- Chalk drawing
- Charcoal sketching
- Clay sculpturing
- Crocheting
- Cross-stitching
- Embroidery
- Finger painting
- Flower arranging
- Gardening
- Iron sculpturing
- Kiting
- Knitting
- Latch-hooking
- Leather tooling
- Loom weaving
- Macrame
- Oil painting
- Pencil sketching
- Photography
- Picture framing
- Pottery
- Quilting
- Robotics
- Rubber stamping
- Scrapbooking
- Scroll sawing
- Sewing: Learn to Sew - (Alison Reid)
- Spinning fibers
- Spool-knitting
- Videography
- Watercolor painting
- Weaving
- Weaving pot holders
- Whittling
- Woodworking: Easy Carpentry Projects for Children - (Jerome E. Leavitt)
- Auto mechanics
- Baking
- Canning
- Canoeing
- Changing a car tire
- Changing a lightbulb
- Checking the car’s oil
- Cleaning: mirrors, sinks, toilets, tubs and showers
- Clearing the table
- Cooking
- Driving a car
- Drying: clothes, dishes
- Dusting
- Electrical wiring
- Emptying trash
- First Aid
- Folding: clothes, towels, sheets
- Kayaking
- Mopping
- Mowing the lawn
- Organizing: closets, cupboards, sheds, garages, attics
- Painting a room
- Plumbing
- Raking leaves
- Setting the table
- Sweeping the floor
- Swimming
- Vacuuming
- Vegetable gardening
- Wallpapering
- Washing: clothes, dishes, windows, car
- Welding
- Computer skills
- Typing
- Tracking personal finances
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