6th Grade (Faith)


  • The Catholic All Year Compendium: Liturgical Living for Real Life (Kendra Tierney) - resource for parent.
Old Testament (Twice Weekly, not During Lent and Easter)
  • Bible History (Ignatius Schuster)
         Term 1: Ch. 1-16, Term 2: Ch. 17-31, Term 3: Ch. 32-44

New Testament (Once Weekly)

  • Choose a Gospel to read to tie in with Liturgical Year A, B, or C
Catechism (Once Weekly)
  • Faith & Life 6: Following Christ - reading schedule below:
         Term 1: Ch. 1-11Term 2: Ch. 12-21, Term 3: Ch. 22-31

Saints (Twice Weekly)
  • Friendly Defenders Catholic Flash Cards (Matthew Pinto)
Lent (Twice Weekly)
  • The Little Flowers of St. Francis (Raphael Brown)
Easter (Twice Weekly)
  • Saint Athanasius (Frances Forbes)
